This week was a good week School was fun, and again I got to present my Canadian presentation to my classes, who were all eager to learn more about Canada. Not only did I get to talk about my country but I also got to go to Paris with my roommate, I have been to Paris before but it was a pleasure going again.. We did all the touristy things in Paris!! It was a good trip. I Love Europe :D

My classes for this week have been lots of fun :)
On Tuesday we got to see a great coin colection, it was very interesting to see how much the Polish money has changed...i still find it funny that polish money is paper because in Australia we have plastic colourful money! This week Betty and I travelled to Paris! I was very excited as I've always wanted to go :)
We had lots of nice weather and did lots of exploring. My favourite was going to the top of the Eiffel Tower and also climbing the Arc de Triomphe. They both had such a beautiful view.While in was in Paris I also got to see some family friends which was nice :)
My classes for this week have been lots of fun :)
